

Alfred didn’t need the carrots. He was going that way anyway. He felt rather patronised.

‘Honestly,’ he thought. ‘Doesn’t she know me well enough by now?’

They carried on, floating in the general direction of the High Street.

‘Need much shopping?’ Alfred called up.

‘No Alfred, just the usual.’

‘Just as well,’ thought Alfred. His load seemed somewhat heavier today, and if Midgey wanted potatoes he just couldn’t be sure they’d make it back. He wasn’t getting any younger.

They continued to whirr gently through the night sky but every now and again there was a little jiggle and a little wriggle.

‘Hey,’ Alfred called up.


‘These carrots.’


‘These carrots of yours.’ 

‘Yes Alfred?’ 

‘They seem to be alive.’ 


'Yes Midgey. They are a jiggling and a wriggling.’ 

‘It is not the carrots.’ 

‘Excuse me?’ 

‘It’s not the carrots Alfred,’ Midgey sighed under her breath. 

‘What do you mean it’s not the carrots?’ 

‘It’s the kit, Alf.’ 

‘Kit? Kitten? You have a cat up there?’ 

‘No Alfred,’ (help, under breath). ‘It’s a kit. A young rabbit.’ 

‘A young rabbit?’ 

‘Yes, Alfred,’ (yawn). ‘I told you I was going to look after Samuel for the evening.’ 

‘You did?’

‘Yes Alfred.’ 

Alfred felt confused. He couldn’t remember the conversation about Samuel. He peered down at the carrots. He couldn’t see little Samuel. 

‘Midgey?’ he called up. ‘I’d better go to Specsavers.’ 

 Praise Be. 

 *Note for non Brits – Specsavers is a well known chain of Opticians in the UK.

©️Amanda Brooks 2018  
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