Curious Tales from The Rag Bag

Curious Tales from the Rag Bag is a collection of surreal illustrations and observational wry or whimsical short stories, poems and ponderings on and around the surprising nature of life, to which we can all relate. Life, with its ups and downs and joys and sorrows; its complications and its simplicities; its weirdness and (in many cases) its very ordinariness. The stories are sometimes joyous, sometimes painful, sometimes inspirational, often heart-warming, at times heart-wrenching. The characters we meet, we have all met - maybe we are them? We understand their tales, often only too well, and laugh and cry with them. Each story is accompanied and inspired by its own fantastically surreal and surprising image, and each image enables a deeper understanding and appreciation of the tale within.

      Available across various platforms or email for details and we will send you a beautiful hardback signed copy.

Some marvellous reviews:

'If you love the idea of someone reaching into your head and tickling your imagination with a multicoloured feather this book's for you. The words weave tall tales that marvel and the illustrations provide such a beautifully layered accompaniment that you will lose an hour every time you pick this up. Perfect for rereading, in fact it's a must, dip in and out of this when you need to recharge your creativity and feel that the world is just a little bit magic.'

Alison B Watson, Graphic Designer at She Designs He Prints.

'So I went to the Doctor and this is what he said:

You need to sail away to that island in your head.

You don't need escapism, you just need to escape. May I suggest some Curious Tales from the Rag Bag for a driftific voyage to lands and characters that only exist in unchartered scenarios . . .

So here I am with book in hand where Scribe Brooks and Visualiser Wende conjure the worlds and people who can only be created when unruly Worlds collide . . . buckle up, the wheels are greased with magic.'

Dalvador Sali, a Junk Yard Angel.

'It's hard not to see clear of the mundane as we enter the world of wit, wonder and enchantment. Here we will be led into the imaginarium of

surreal imagery, whilst stimulated by storytelling and verse. This then is your delve into The Rag Bag.'

Steve Hazelton, Artist.

And, as a special treat, a small selection of our instagram posts with voice recordings 😉
A little background. . .

Curious Tales from the Rag Bag is a collection of surreal illustrations and observational wry or whimsical short stories, poems and ponderings on and around the surprising nature of life, to which we can all relate.  Life, with its ups and downs and joys and sorrows; its complications and its simplicities; its weirdness and (in may cases) its very ordinariness. The stories are sometimes joyous, sometimes painful, sometimes inspirational, often heart-warming, at times heart-wrenching. The characters we meet, we have all met - maybe we are them? We understand their tales, often only too well, and laugh and cry with them. Each story is accompanied and inspired by its own fantastically surreal and surprising image, and each image enables a deeper understanding and appreciation of the tale within.
Wende and I worked together for two years before we met in true life, although you could be forgiven for thinking that we have known each other for ages and that we confer about the work.  We don't.  We found each other on Instagram where I had been enjoying Wende's astonishing images (@zonnewende) and similarly she enjoyed my strange ramblings (@quirkandthecuckoos).  Wende bought and read my book, Of Humans and Other Creatures and  lady with two brains,  and we started chatting on the phone.  One day she said 'Hey, call my crazy, but how about you write some stories to accompany my images' and @a.surrealistic.journey was born.  We seem to know instinctively what the other is thinking and feeling. Wende emails over some images and I see what pops out of my mind. We adore doing what we are doing and it seems that others do too.  

We are proud to have completed our first book and who knows, maybe an agent or publisher will also believe in the work and take us to the next level.  Do get in touch if you would like to help us - and also to tell us what you think of our work.

Come ON Universe

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